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LCM discovery sample set, epithelial signature 
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification (grouped) : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVC 189 E CM023577:A5
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVC 203 E CM023582:A5
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVC 278 E CM023587:A5
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVC 328 E CM023592:A5
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVN 218 FTE CM023572:A5
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVN 262 FTE CM023557:A5
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVN 385 FTE CM023562:A5
QPCR Amplification Data : CCAR1_G_1_f CCAR1_G_r OVN 397 FTE CM023567:A5

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