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1. ASPCR hits 
Peak Ratio Bar : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R

View electropherograms
PSI Representation : .
Peak Align : K-mean peak align report
expected 117678
centroid 217278394411499578
G561 DMSO216277386405
G561 SGC2096216277386404
G561 GSK591217278388403569
G561 LLY-283216277389405574
G411 DMSO216277389405
G411 SGC2096217278391407496
G411 GSK591217278390409
G583 DMSO216277392408
G583 SGC2096218279395411
G583 GSK591219280397413
G583 LLY-283218279
G549 DMSO219280396412
G549 SGC2096219280
G549 GSK591218279397413
G549 LLY-283219280397413
G729 DMSO219280400416
G729 SGC2096218279397413
G729 GSK591219280399414
G729 LLY-283217278398414
G797 DMSO217278399415501581
G797 SGC2096217278399415
G797 GSK591218278401417586
G797 LLY-283218278401417578
Prinos ASW4 01 G561 NT216277387403
Prinos ASW4 06 G411 N1216278390406496
Prinos ASW4 11 G583 NT1217278392408
Prinos ASW4 16 G549 N1218279395411
Prinos ASW4 21 G729 N219280400416
Prinos ASW4 26 G797 N2217279399415501
Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G561 DMSO -- CM034284:A02 -- 4559540

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G561 SGC2096 -- CM034284:A03 -- 4559541

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G561 GSK591 -- CM034284:A04 -- 4559542

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G561 LLY-283 -- CM034284:A05 -- 4559543

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G411 DMSO -- CM034284:A07 -- 4559545

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G411 SGC2096 -- CM034284:A08 -- 4559546

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G411 GSK591 -- CM034284:A09 -- 4559547

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G411 LLY-283 -- CM034284:A10 -- 4559548

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G583 DMSO -- CM034284:A12 -- 4559550

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G583 SGC2096 -- CM034284:B01 -- 4559551

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G583 GSK591 -- CM034284:B02 -- 4559552

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G583 LLY-283 -- CM034284:B03 -- 4559553

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G549 DMSO -- CM034284:C02 -- 4559564

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G549 SGC2096 -- CM034284:C03 -- 4559565

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G549 GSK591 -- CM034284:C04 -- 4559566

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G549 LLY-283 -- CM034284:C05 -- 4559567

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G729 DMSO -- CM034284:C07 -- 4559569

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G729 SGC2096 -- CM034284:C08 -- 4559570

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G729 GSK591 -- CM034284:C09 -- 4559571

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G729 LLY-283 -- CM034284:C10 -- 4559572

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G797 DMSO -- CM034284:C12 -- 4559574

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G797 SGC2096 -- CM034284:D01 -- 4559575

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G797 GSK591 -- CM034284:D02 -- 4559576

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- G797 LLY-283 -- CM034284:D03 -- 4559577

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- Prinos ASW4 01 G561 NT -- CM034284:A01 -- 4559539

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- Prinos ASW4 06 G411 N1 -- CM034284:A06 -- 4559544

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- Prinos ASW4 11 G583 NT1 -- CM034284:A11 -- 4559549

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- Prinos ASW4 16 G549 N1 -- CM034284:C01 -- 4559563

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- Prinos ASW4 21 G729 N -- CM034284:C06 -- 4559568

Electropherogram : ANAPC16.e.pp.F ANAPC16.e2.pp.R -- Prinos ASW4 26 G797 N2 -- CM034284:C11 -- 4559573

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