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Peak Ratio Data (tabular html)
View Forward Reverse Sample Unexpected bps nM Ratio
View ACE1 ABCD4 HCT 116 0 155 51.00000 0.799373040752351
View ACE1 ABCD4 HCT 116 0 283 8.60000 0.134796238244514
View ACE1 ABCD4 HCT 116 1 371 4.20000 0.0658307210031348
View ACE1 ABCD4 HS 578T 0 155 9.80000 0.268493150684932
View ACE1 ABCD4 HS 578T 0 283 26.70000 0.731506849315068
View ACE1 ABCD4 HeLa S3 0 155 17.70000 0.445843828715365
View ACE1 ABCD4 HeLa S3 0 283 17.90000 0.45088161209068
View ACE1 ABCD4 HeLa S3 1 371 4.10000 0.103274559193955
View ACE1 ABCD4 MCF7 0 155 10.30000 0.664516129032258
View ACE1 ABCD4 MCF7 0 283 5.20000 0.335483870967742
View ACE1 ABCD4 MDA-MB-231 0 155 80.50000 0.582489146164978
View ACE1 ABCD4 MDA-MB-231 0 283 44.90000 0.324891461649783
View ACE1 ABCD4 MDA-MB-231 1 371 12.80000 0.0926193921852388
View ACE1 ABCD4 OVC-116 0 155 35.70000 0.534431137724551
View ACE1 ABCD4 OVC-116 0 283 24.70000 0.369760479041916
View ACE1 ABCD4 OVC-116 1 371 6.40000 0.0958083832335329
View ACE1 ABCD4 PC 3 0 155 37.60000 0.856492027334852
View ACE1 ABCD4 PC 3 0 283 6.30000 0.143507972665148
View ACE1 ABCD4 SKOV3ip1 0 155 28.60000 0.523809523809524
View ACE1 ABCD4 SKOV3ip1 0 283 20.70000 0.379120879120879

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