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1. ASPCR PSI and raw data 
Peak Ratio Bar : GAB1
PSI Representation : GAB1
Peak Align : K-mean peak align report
expected 275365
centroid 65284386
HCT116 clone1 t0283
HCT116 clone1 t7285
HCT116 clone1 t14288394
HCT116 clone1 t42286391
HCT116 clone1 PER291
HCT116 clone2 t0286
HCT116 clone2 t7283382
HCT116 clone2 t14287
HCT116 clone2 t42282382
HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1287
HCT116 clone2 PER282386
HCT116 clone2 no emetine60284384
HCT116 clone2 emetine284386
HCT116 clone3 t060281383
HCT116 clone3 t7283388
HCT116 clone3 t14283385
HCT116 clone3 t42283388
HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS161281383
HCT116 clone3 PER283388
HCT116 clone3 no emetine283385
HCT116 clone3 emetine283385
HIEC clone1 t065282388
HIEC clone1 t1466280386
HIEC clone2 t066282388
HIEC clone2 t1466280386
HIEC clone3 t066282389
HIEC clone3 t1471282
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone1 t0 -- CM026797:E04 -- 2876067
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone1 t7 -- CM026347:E04 -- 2792730
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone1 t14 -- CM026626:I07 -- 2851542
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone1 t42 -- CM026626:J07 -- 2851566
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1 -- CM026346:E04 -- 2792634
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone1 PER -- CM026500:I07 -- 2821005
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 t0 -- CM027857:I07 -- 3032982
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 t7 -- CM028036:J08 -- 3080143
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 t14 -- CM028038:E04 -- 3080739
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 t42 -- CM028036:J07 -- 3080142
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1 -- CM027857:I08 -- 3032983
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 PER -- CM028036:I08 -- 3080119
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 no emetine -- CM028508:J07 -- 3169998
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone2 emetine -- CM028508:J08 -- 3169999
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 t0 -- CM028337:I07 -- 3135990
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 t7 -- CM028338:I08 -- 3136375
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 t14 -- CM028338:J07 -- 3136398
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 t42 -- CM028338:J08 -- 3136399
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS1 -- CM028337:I08 -- 3135991
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 PER -- CM028338:I07 -- 3136374
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 no emetine -- CM028508:I07 -- 3169974
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HCT116 clone3 emetine -- CM028508:I08 -- 3169975
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HIEC clone1 t0 -- CM028694:I07 -- 3206070
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HIEC clone1 t14 -- CM028695:J07 -- 3206478
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HIEC clone2 t0 -- CM028694:I08 -- 3206071
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HIEC clone2 t14 -- CM028695:J08 -- 3206479
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HIEC clone3 t0 -- CM028694:J07 -- 3206094
Electropherogram : GAB1 -- HIEC clone3 t14 -- CM028696:E04 -- 3206691

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