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1. ASPCR PSI and raw data 
Peak Ratio Bar : MEIS2
PSI Representation : MEIS2
Peak Align : K-mean peak align report
expected 299395
centroid 76317441601999
HCT116 clone1 t0322448621
HCT116 clone1 t788322448567
HCT116 clone1 t1490 106324448623
HCT116 clone1 t4289 105321445610
HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1324451618
HCT116 clone1 PER3284441056
HCT116 clone2 t0324457
HCT116 clone2 t764317437617
HCT116 clone2 t14326459942
HCT116 clone2 t4263319437617
HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1324457
HCT116 clone2 PER63317441620
HCT116 clone2 no emetine318440581
HCT116 clone2 emetine320438588
HCT116 clone3 t0313437565
HCT116 clone3 t7316444612
HCT116 clone3 t14319442619
HCT116 clone3 t42314440612
HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS160313439565
HCT116 clone3 PER316444612
HCT116 clone3 no emetine318440581
HCT116 clone3 emetine318440581
HIEC clone1 t068310427
HIEC clone1 t14308425
HIEC clone2 t068308427
HIEC clone2 t1471308425
HIEC clone3 t069308429
HIEC clone3 t1462308425
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone1 t0 -- CM026797:G05 -- 2876092
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone1 t7 -- CM026347:G05 -- 2792755
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone1 t14 -- CM026626:M09 -- 2851640
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone1 t42 -- CM026626:N09 -- 2851664
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1 -- CM026346:G05 -- 2792659
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone1 PER -- CM026500:M09 -- 2821103
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 t0 -- CM027857:M09 -- 3033080
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 t7 -- CM028036:N10 -- 3080241
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 t14 -- CM028038:G05 -- 3080764
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 t42 -- CM028036:N09 -- 3080240
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1 -- CM027857:M10 -- 3033081
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 PER -- CM028036:M10 -- 3080217
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 no emetine -- CM028508:N09 -- 3170096
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone2 emetine -- CM028508:N10 -- 3170097
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 t0 -- CM028337:M09 -- 3136088
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 t7 -- CM028338:M10 -- 3136473
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 t14 -- CM028338:N09 -- 3136496
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 t42 -- CM028338:N10 -- 3136497
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS1 -- CM028337:M10 -- 3136089
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 PER -- CM028338:M09 -- 3136472
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 no emetine -- CM028508:M09 -- 3170072
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HCT116 clone3 emetine -- CM028508:M10 -- 3170073
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HIEC clone1 t0 -- CM028694:M09 -- 3206168
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HIEC clone1 t14 -- CM028695:N09 -- 3206576
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HIEC clone2 t0 -- CM028694:M10 -- 3206169
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HIEC clone2 t14 -- CM028695:N10 -- 3206577
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HIEC clone3 t0 -- CM028694:N09 -- 3206192
Electropherogram : MEIS2 -- HIEC clone3 t14 -- CM028696:G05 -- 3206716

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