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1. ASPCR PSI and raw data 
Peak Ratio Bar : TBC1D25
PSI Representation : TBC1D25
Peak Align : K-mean peak align report
expected 230385
centroid 244414
HCT116 clone1 t0246419
HCT116 clone1 t7247422
HCT116 clone1 t14245418
HCT116 clone1 t42247418
HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1249425
HCT116 clone1 PER250422
HCT116 clone2 t0247418
HCT116 clone2 t7245412
HCT116 clone2 t14249425
HCT116 clone2 t42245415
HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1246418
HCT116 clone2 PER244415
HCT116 clone2 no emetine243414
HCT116 clone2 emetine243411
HCT116 clone3 t0242409
HCT116 clone3 t7244413
HCT116 clone3 t14245415
HCT116 clone3 t42245415
HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS1243411
HCT116 clone3 PER244413
HCT116 clone3 no emetine244411
HCT116 clone3 emetine244411
HIEC clone1 t0243410
HIEC clone1 t14240411
HIEC clone2 t0240408
HIEC clone2 t14240408
HIEC clone3 t0241409
HIEC clone3 t14240407
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone1 t0 -- CM026797:H04 -- 2876103
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone1 t7 -- CM026347:H04 -- 2792766
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone1 t14 -- CM026626:O07 -- 2851686
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone1 t42 -- CM026626:P07 -- 2851710
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1 -- CM026346:H04 -- 2792670
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone1 PER -- CM026500:O07 -- 2821149
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 t0 -- CM027857:O07 -- 3033126
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 t7 -- CM028036:P08 -- 3080287
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 t14 -- CM028038:H04 -- 3080775
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 t42 -- CM028036:P07 -- 3080286
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1 -- CM027857:O08 -- 3033127
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 PER -- CM028036:O08 -- 3080263
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 no emetine -- CM028508:P07 -- 3170142
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone2 emetine -- CM028508:P08 -- 3170143
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 t0 -- CM028337:O07 -- 3136134
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 t7 -- CM028338:O08 -- 3136519
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 t14 -- CM028338:P07 -- 3136542
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 t42 -- CM028338:P08 -- 3136543
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS1 -- CM028337:O08 -- 3136135
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 PER -- CM028338:O07 -- 3136518
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 no emetine -- CM028508:O07 -- 3170118
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HCT116 clone3 emetine -- CM028508:O08 -- 3170119
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HIEC clone1 t0 -- CM028694:O07 -- 3206214
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HIEC clone1 t14 -- CM028695:P07 -- 3206622
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HIEC clone2 t0 -- CM028694:O08 -- 3206215
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HIEC clone2 t14 -- CM028695:P08 -- 3206623
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HIEC clone3 t0 -- CM028694:P07 -- 3206238
Electropherogram : TBC1D25 -- HIEC clone3 t14 -- CM028696:H04 -- 3206727

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