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1. qPCR data 
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification (TLV-High-1 Posterior) : NF pairwise ratio map: GAPDH.qoa.F1 GAPDH.qoa.R1 only
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification (TLV-High-1 Posterior) : NF pairwise ratio map: RPL13A.qoa.F2 RPL13A.qoa.R2 only
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification (TLV-High-1 Posterior) : NF pairwise ratio map: TBP.qoa.F2 TBP.qoa.R2 only
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification (TLV-High-1 Posterior) : NF Histogram: GAPDH.qoa.F1 GAPDH.qoa.R1 only
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification (TLV-High-1 Posterior) : NF Histogram: RPL13A.qoa.F2 RPL13A.qoa.R2 only
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification (TLV-High-1 Posterior) : NF Histogram: TBP.qoa.F2 TBP.qoa.R2 only

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