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Sample QPCR expression data âš™
QPCR Primer Pair List : primer pair list
Gene Forward Reverse
VIEW - FWD 43738 REV 43737
VIEW - FWD 43748 REV 43747
VIEW - FWD 45409 REV 45410
VIEW - FWD 45415 REV 45416
VIEW - FWD 45417 REV 45418
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification : Summary

Expression Table

ID Name
1 S 1
2 S 2
3 S 3
4 S 4
5 S 5
6 S 6
7 S 7
8 S 8
9 S 9
10 S10
11 S11
12 S12
13 S13
14 S14
15 S15
16 S16
17 S17
18 S18
19 S19
20 S20
Primer Pair S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20
FWD 43738 REV 43737 1.000 0.853 0.841 0.852 0.886 0.418 0.378 0.424 0.461 0.474 0.771 0.923 0.953 1.099 1.236 0.329 0.378 0.390 0.405 0.234
FWD 43748 REV 43747 1.000 1.367 1.237 1.744 1.984 1.903 2.732 2.925 3.576 3.128 2.333 1.770 1.406 2.028 3.276 3.754 2.477 1.355 0.498 3.488
FWD 45409 REV 45410 1.000 0.987 0.998 0.838 0.999 1.322 1.312 1.341 1.238 1.267 1.057 1.007 0.916 0.968 0.865 1.331 1.114 1.133 1.106 1.436
FWD 45415 REV 45416 1.000 1.575 1.390 1.200 1.549 1.182 1.668 1.963 1.407 1.523 1.446 1.611 1.462 1.495 1.647 1.229 1.272 1.238 0.637 1.404
FWD 45417 REV 45418 1.000 2.436 2.053 2.382 3.679 1.795 2.400 2.621 2.763 3.323 3.432 3.350 3.100 3.706 5.114 4.766 3.704 2.893 1.142 5.254
QPCR Relative Expression Quantification : Systematic Outlier Filtering

1 technical replicates removed (absolute Ct threshold 0.75; MADZ 3.5)

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0 biological replicates removed (relative expression threshold 0.25; MADZ 2.1)

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