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Cloutier, Philippe ASPCR validation 
Peak Ratio Bar : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11
PSI Representation : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- CTRL 1 -- CM029835:C05 -- 3467100
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- CTRL 2 -- CM029835:C06 -- 3467101
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- CTRL 3 -- CM029835:D05 -- 3467124
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- siZNHIT2 1 -- CM029835:D06 -- 3467125
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- siZNHIT2 2 -- CM029838:K05 -- 3468444
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- siZNHIT2 3 -- CM029838:K06 -- 3468445
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- siRUVBL2 1 -- CM029838:L05 -- 3468468
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- siRUVBL2 2 -- CM029838:L06 -- 3468469
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- siRUVBL2 3 -- CM029836:C05 -- 3467484
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- pcDNA3 1 -- CM029836:C06 -- 3467485
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- pcDNA3 2 -- CM029836:D05 -- 3467508
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- pcDNA3 3 -- CM029836:D06 -- 3467509
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- ZNHIT2 1 -- CM029836:K05 -- 3467676
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- ZNHIT2 2 -- CM029836:K06 -- 3467677
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- ZNHIT2 3 -- CM029836:L05 -- 3467700
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- deltaHIT2 1 -- CM029836:L06 -- 3467701
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- deltaHIT2 2 -- CM029837:C05 -- 3467868
Electropherogram : FGFR1.F11 FGFR1.R11 -- deltaHIT2 3 -- CM029837:C06 -- 3467869

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