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03. Detection Screen: Ovary 
Documentation : Detection Screens

This page contains a heatmap showing raw psi values according to the colour key at the bottom for the ovary detection screen. White means less than a total of 5nM peaks were in the expected places so no data is represented. Click on the primer pair name to see raw electropherograms for each of the four samples from normal ovary OVN or cancerous ovary OSC. Both samples were pools from four individuals. A further link from the electropherogram pages gives the sequences of both amplicons.

Groups of data can be viewed separately in the lists at the top. The C list contains PCR reactions that were below 5nM in the expected places. The B list contains reactions where just one peak was detected (and the second peak was never above 10% of the total molarity). The A list contains reactions where both peaks were detected but other possibly artefactual peaks were detected also at over 25% of the total molarity. The A+ list contains two detected peaks and minimal artefact (<25%).

Detection Screen Primer Classification
Detection Screen Primer Classification
Detection Screen Primer Classification
Detection Screen Primer Classification
PSI Values Heatmap : Heatmap
Gene list : Gene list

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