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08. Fox2 Knockdowns 
Documentation : Fox2 Knockdowns
This page contains a heatmap showing all the data in 5 cell lines (MCF7, NIH-OVCAR-3, PC-3, MDA-MB-231 and SKOV-3ip1) for Fox2 knockdowns with two siRNAs. Each square shows a shift in splicing of >5-15% (knockdown minus control) see colour key at bottom. White means the ASE was active but no shift was observed in the knockdown. Grey means the ASE was inactive (i.e. only one peak or no peak was observed). Click on any square to see raw electropherograms for that primer pair or clicking on the primer pair name will provide the same plus a bar chart representing the raw psi values for knockdowns and controls.
RBP HeatMap : RBPHeatmap
Gene list : Gene list
RBP HeatMap : Delta-PSI values
Delta-Psi values: download to file | view in browser
PSI : PSI values

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