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Splicing arrays reveal novel RBM10 targets, including SMN2 pre-mRNA
Sutherland LC, Thibault P, Durand M, Lapointe E, Knee JM, Beauvais A, Roy JG, Hunt SC, Tessier SJ, Kalatskaya I, Stein L, Ybazeta G, Loiselle JJ, Kotary R, Klinck R, Chabot B

1. Array-96 -- RBM10 Knockdowns in MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, SKOV-3, OVCAR-3 and PC-3

2. Array-192 -- RBM10 Knockdowns in BJ-TIELF, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, SKOV-3, and PC-3

3. Array-288 -- RBM10 Knockdowns in SKOV-3 and PC-3

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