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Warzecha CC, Shen S, Xing Y and Carstens RP (2009) RNA Biology 
The epithelial splicing factors ESRP1 and ESRP2 positively and negatively regulate diverse types of alternative splicing events : .
Claude C. Warzecha, Shihao Shen, Yi Xing and Russ P. Carstens
RNA Biology, 6: 5, 2009, 546-62.
PSI Representation : .

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Gel Images : View Gel Images
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Peak ratio bar : all ratio bars
Peak molarity ratio data : data file

Using Unexpected peak alignment in 7.50%, [100,500], > 4.00 nM
Using Wallace-style peak matching with new calibration
Using Expected peaks based on AceView 36.Apr07 transcripts
Amplicon sequence : data sheet

Using Expected peaks based on AceView 36.Apr07 transcripts
Design Maps . : view maps
  • 70 reactions
  • 140 single primers
Design Maps : view maps
  • 70 reactions
  • 140 single primers
Gene list : Gene list

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