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1. ASPCR PSI and raw data 
Peak Ratio Bar : BTC
PSI Representation : BTC
Peak Align : K-mean peak align report
expected 137284
centroid 64149292
HCT116 clone1 t0149292
HCT116 clone1 t7153294
HCT116 clone1 t14152294
HCT116 clone1 t42153294
HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1152295
HCT116 clone1 PER153294
HCT116 clone2 t0148291
HCT116 clone2 t7148291
HCT116 clone2 t14150291
HCT116 clone2 t42148291
HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1148291
HCT116 clone2 PER149291
HCT116 clone2 no emetine148291
HCT116 clone2 emetine149291
HCT116 clone3 t063148291
HCT116 clone3 t760148291
HCT116 clone3 t14147291
HCT116 clone3 t42148291
HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS163150293
HCT116 clone3 PER148291
HCT116 clone3 no emetine147291
HCT116 clone3 emetine146290
HIEC clone1 t066
HIEC clone1 t1464
HIEC clone2 t066
HIEC clone2 t1464290
HIEC clone3 t065
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone1 t0 -- CM026797:A03 -- 2876018
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone1 t7 -- CM026347:A03 -- 2792681
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone1 t14 -- CM026626:A05 -- 2851348
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone1 t42 -- CM026626:B05 -- 2851372
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1 -- CM026346:A03 -- 2792585
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone1 PER -- CM026500:A05 -- 2820811
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 t0 -- CM027857:A05 -- 3032788
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 t7 -- CM028036:B06 -- 3079949
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 t14 -- CM028038:A03 -- 3080690
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 t42 -- CM028036:B05 -- 3079948
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1 -- CM027857:A06 -- 3032789
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 PER -- CM028036:A06 -- 3079925
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 no emetine -- CM028508:B05 -- 3169804
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone2 emetine -- CM028508:B06 -- 3169805
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 t0 -- CM028337:A05 -- 3135796
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 t7 -- CM028338:A06 -- 3136181
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 t14 -- CM028338:B05 -- 3136204
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 t42 -- CM028338:B06 -- 3136205
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS1 -- CM028337:A06 -- 3135797
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 PER -- CM028338:A05 -- 3136180
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 no emetine -- CM028508:A05 -- 3169780
Electropherogram : BTC -- HCT116 clone3 emetine -- CM028508:A06 -- 3169781
Electropherogram : BTC -- HIEC clone1 t0 -- CM028694:A05 -- 3205876
Electropherogram : BTC -- HIEC clone1 t14 -- CM028695:B05 -- 3206284
Electropherogram : BTC -- HIEC clone2 t0 -- CM028694:A06 -- 3205877
Electropherogram : BTC -- HIEC clone2 t14 -- CM028695:B06 -- 3206285
Electropherogram : BTC -- HIEC clone3 t0 -- CM028694:B05 -- 3205900
Electropherogram : BTC -- HIEC clone3 t14 -- CM028696:A03 -- 3206642

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