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1. ASPCR PSI and raw data 
Peak Ratio Bar : SYNE2
PSI Representation : SYNE2
Peak Align : K-mean peak align report
expected 266335
centroid 70279359490553606655730947
HCT116 clone1 t065281362637740
HCT116 clone1 t7282363556639
HCT116 clone1 t14283 304363574654
HCT116 clone1 t42281 302360574660
HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1281364546637
HCT116 clone1 PER288373722
HCT116 clone2 t063205 280360
HCT116 clone2 t766 75278
HCT116 clone2 t14281361
HCT116 clone2 t4267 75278354494568
HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS162 69279360619729
HCT116 clone2 PER68 78279355498570
HCT116 clone2 no emetine66279356538608
HCT116 clone2 emetine65279354538608
HCT116 clone3 t074278358485541
HCT116 clone3 t768 82276353487556
HCT116 clone3 t1468 81278356490565
HCT116 clone3 t4268 80278356492565
HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS173277356481531
HCT116 clone3 PER69 83277355492562
HCT116 clone3 no emetine66 72278355532608
HCT116 clone3 emetine66 71278355532603
HIEC clone1 t069282364618676
HIEC clone1 t1468280356585645
HIEC clone2 t069282364618682
HIEC clone2 t1467280358585645
HIEC clone3 t068279356610674
HIEC clone3 t1474281374947
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone1 t0 -- CM026797:A08 -- 2876023
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone1 t7 -- CM026347:A08 -- 2792686
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone1 t14 -- CM026626:A15 -- 2851358
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone1 t42 -- CM026626:B15 -- 2851382
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone1 delta-RNPS1 -- CM026346:A08 -- 2792590
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone1 PER -- CM026500:A15 -- 2820821
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 t0 -- CM027857:A15 -- 3032798
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 t7 -- CM028036:B16 -- 3079959
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 t14 -- CM028038:A08 -- 3080695
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 t42 -- CM028036:B15 -- 3079958
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 delta-RNPS1 -- CM027857:A16 -- 3032799
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 PER -- CM028036:A16 -- 3079935
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 no emetine -- CM028508:B15 -- 3169814
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone2 emetine -- CM028508:B16 -- 3169815
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 t0 -- CM028337:A15 -- 3135806
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 t7 -- CM028338:A16 -- 3136191
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 t14 -- CM028338:B15 -- 3136214
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 t42 -- CM028338:B16 -- 3136215
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 delta-RNPS1 -- CM028337:A16 -- 3135807
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 PER -- CM028338:A15 -- 3136190
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 no emetine -- CM028508:A15 -- 3169790
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HCT116 clone3 emetine -- CM028508:A16 -- 3169791
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HIEC clone1 t0 -- CM028694:A15 -- 3205886
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HIEC clone1 t14 -- CM028695:B15 -- 3206294
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HIEC clone2 t0 -- CM028694:A16 -- 3205887
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HIEC clone2 t14 -- CM028695:B16 -- 3206295
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HIEC clone3 t0 -- CM028694:B15 -- 3205910
Electropherogram : SYNE2 -- HIEC clone3 t14 -- CM028696:A08 -- 3206647

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