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2. Breast Validation Screen 
Computation of PSI values : Access to Raw Data File
Histograms for Group Comparison : Access to histograms
Access to Validation Screen Data: view
Gene list : Gene list
Gene Reactions Links
ABCB1 102 AceView 35.4 ABCB1
ACACA 51 AceView 35.4 ACACA
ADAM15 306 AceView 35.4 ADAM15
AFF3 51 AceView 35.4 AFF3
ALOX5 51 AceView 35.4 ALOX5
AMPH 51 AceView 35.4 AMPH
APC 204 AceView 35.4 APC
APP 204 AceView 35.4 APP
AXIN1 51 AceView 35.4 AXIN1
BCAS1 357 AceView 35.4 BCAS1
BCMP11 51 AceView 35.4 BCMP11
BID 51 AceView 35.4 BID
BIN2 51 AceView 35.4 BIN2
BMP4 102 AceView 35.4 BMP4
BMX 51 AceView 35.4 BMX
BOK 51 AceView 35.4 BOK
BRCA1 51 AceView 35.4 BRCA1
BTC 102 AceView 35.4 BTC
C11ORF4 357 AceView 35.4 C11ORF4
C11orf17 51 AceView 35.4 C11orf17

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